Francesca at home in her Colorado wildlife garden
Grazi Tutti,
My heart is saddened to leave my family and all the wonderful friends I made in Italy this summer. My studio wall is arranged with my photos preserving my best memories. My heart sits in silence knowing May 2006 I will see you all again, so soon.  Grazie Tutti for your warmth, love and friendship.
"When Francesca presented me with her Animals are Wild series, I was taken aback by the vibrancy of colors that jumped off the prints. The combination of color variance made the tigers and zebras appear surreal."
Stephanie Johnson


 Website Launch
  I am excited to announce the launch of my new website I invite you to visit the site to enjoy new art pieces, learn about the synergy between environmental issues and my work and much more.
 Nature Artists Appointment
  I have recently been juried into the Worldwide Nature Artists Group (WNAG) an exclusive, non-profit, international society of world-class nature artists who are dedicated to the celebration and preservation of the natural world.
 Italian Kudos

Art critic Edo Barzagli
"I dipinti di Francesca sono eseguiti con molte capacita pittorica. L'artista mette in risalto il colore con una cromatica e una ricchezza di notevole rilievo. Francesca ha una poetica molto forte ed espressiva."

"Francesca's paintings are executed with a great pictorial ability. The artist stresses colors with a chromatic and a remarkable richness. Francesca has a very strong and expressive poetic rendering."
-- Edo Brzagili, Critico d'arte, Collaboratore di Riviste bimestrali 

 Santa Fe, NM Canyon Road Reception and Show
"Animal rights activist and wildlife painter watercolorist Francesca Owens presents her passion-fueled paintings of exotic creates..."
-- Zane Fisher, News & Culture, Sante Fe Reporter



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